Monday, 30 July 2018


 Shakespeare's Julius Caesar Act 3, Scene 2


              Brutus and Cassius enter the Forum, which is thronged with citizens demanding satisfaction. They divide the crowd — Cassius leading off one portion to hear his argument, and Brutus presenting reasons to those remaining behind at the Forum. Brutus asks the citizens to contain their emotions until he has finished, to bear in mind that he is honorable, and to use their reason in order to judge him. He then sets before them his reasons for the murder of Caesar and points out that documentation exists in the Capitol that support his claims. The citizens are convinced and at the end of his oration, cheer him with emotion. He then directs them to listen to Antony's funeral oration.
              Antony indicates that, like Brutus, he will deliver a reasoned oration. He refers to Brutus' accusation that Caesar was ambitious, acknowledges that he speaks with "honorable" Brutus' permission, and proceeds to counter all of Brutus' arguments. The crowd begins to be swayed by his logic and his obvious sorrow over his friend's murder. They are ultimately turned into an unruly mob calling for the blood of the conspirators by mention of Caesar's generosity in leaving money and property to the people of Rome, and by the spectacle of Caesar's bleeding body, which Antony unveils.
              The mob leaves to cremate Caesar's body with due reverence, to burn the houses of the assassins, and to wreak general destruction. Antony is content; he muses, "Mischief, thou art afoot, / Take thou what course thou wilt!" A servant enters and informs Antony that Octavius has arrived and is with Lepidus at Caesar's house. Antony is pleased and decides to visit him immediately to plan to take advantage of the chaos he has created. The servant reports that Brutus and Cassius have fled Rome, and Antony suspects that they have heard of his rousing the people to madness.


After the murder of Caesar:

               Brutus and Cassius enter the Forum with a crowd of plebeians. Cassius exits to speak to another portion of the crowd. Brutus addresses the onstage crowd, assuring them that they may trust in his honor. He did not kill Caesar out of a lack of love for him, he says, but because his love for Rome outweighed his love of a single man. He insists that Caesar was great but ambitious: it was for this reason that he slew him. He feared that the Romans would live as slaves under Caesar’s leadership.
               He asks if any disagree with him, and none do. He thus concludes that he has offended no one and asserts that now Caesar’s death has been accounted for, with both his virtues and faults in life given due attention. Antony then enters with Caesar’s body. Brutus explains to the crowd that Antony had no part in the conspiracy but that he will now be part of the new commonwealth. The plebeians cheer Brutus’s apparent kindness, declaring that Brutus should be Caesar. He quiets them and asks them to listen to Antony, who has obtained permission to give a funeral oration. Brutus exits.

Speech of Antony:

             Antony ascends to the pulpit while the plebeians discuss what they have heard. They now believe that Caesar was a tyrant and that Brutus did right to kill him. But they wait to hear Antony. He asks the audience to listen, for he has come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. He acknowledges Brutus’s charge that Caesar was ambitious and maintains that Brutus is “an honourable man,” but he says that Caesar was his friend (III.ii.84). He adds that Caesar brought to Rome many captives, whose countrymen had to pay their ransoms, thus filling Rome’s coffers. He asks rhetorically if such accumulation of money for the people constituted ambition. Antony continues that Caesar sympathized with the poor: “When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept” (III.ii.88). He reminds the plebeians of the day when he offered the crown to Caesar three times, and Caesar three times refused. Again, he ponders aloud whether this humility constituted ambition. He claims that he is not trying to disprove Brutus’s words but rather to tell them what he, Antony, knows; he insists that as they all loved Caesar once, they should mourn for him now.

Antony speaks about Caesar's will:

               Antony pauses to weep. The plebeians are touched; they remember when Caesar refused the crown and wonder if more ambitious people have not stepped into his place. Antony speaks again, saying that he would gladly stir them to mutiny and rebellion, though he will not harm Brutus or Cassius, for they are—again—honorable men. He then brings out Caesar’s will. The plebeians beg him to read it. Antony says that he should not, for then they would be touched by Caesar’s love for them. They implore him to read it. He replies that he has been speaking too long—he wrongs the honorable men who have let him address the crowd. The plebeians call the conspirators traitors and demand that Antony read the will.

Antony urges the crowd:

                Finally, Antony descends from the pulpit and prepares to read the letter to the people as they stand in a circle around Caesar’s corpse. Looking at the body, Antony points out the wounds that Brutus and Cassius inflicted, reminding the crowd how Caesar loved Brutus, and yet Brutus stabbed him viciously. He tells how Caesar died and blood ran down the steps of the Senate. Then he uncovers the body for all to see. The plebeians weep and become enraged. Antony says that they should not be stirred to mutiny against such “honourable men” (III.ii.148). He protests that he does not intend to steal away their hearts, for he is no orator like Brutus. He proclaims himself a plain man; he speaks only what he knows, he says—he will let Caesar’s wounds speak the rest. If he were Brutus, he claims, he could urge them to rebel, but he is merely Antony.



              The people declare that they will mutiny nonetheless. Antony calls to them to let him finish: he has not yet read the will. He now reads that Caesar has bequeathed a sum of money from his personal holdings to every man in Rome. The citizens are struck by this act of generosity and swear to avenge this selfless man’s death. Antony continues reading, revealing Caesar’s plans to make his private parks and gardens available for the people’s pleasure. The plebeians can take no more; they charge off to wreak havoc throughout the city. Antony, alone, wonders what will come of the mischief he has set loose on Rome. Octavius’s servant enters. He reports that Octavius has arrived at Caesar’s house, and also that Brutus and Cassius have been driven from Rome


             Oscar Wilde was an Irish poet and playwright. He is remembered for his epigrams and plays. His novel The Picture of Dorian Gray is a famous work. Wilde published The Happy Prince and Other Tales. He wrote fairy stories for magazines. His stories like The Selfish Giant, The Model Millionaire and The Happy Prince are very famous.
The Happy Prince stood on the centre of the city. He was covered by thin leaves of Gold. He had two sapphires in his eyes and a large Ruby on his sword. He was admired by the people. He looked like an angel. The Happy Prince never dreamt of crying.
There was a swallow whose friends had gone to Egypt. The swallow fell in love with Reed. The reed didn’t even talk to the Swallow. She was very domestic. In autumn, the Reed flew away. The Swallow flew away bitting Goodbye to the Reed. He had decided to travel to Egypt.

The swallow decided to stay under the statue as it has become dark night. The Swallow sat in between the foot of the Statue. He was completely wet due to the tears of the statue. The Swallow enquired the Happy Prince’s misery. The Happy prince narrated his past Happy life and his present state of misery.
The Happy prince was completely upset due to the miseries of the people around the city. He requested the swallow to be a messenger for a day.
1st – a boy in a poor house
2nd – a writer (young man in a garret)
3rd – little match girl
The Happy Prince told the swallow about a boy in a poor house. The boy’s mother is embroidering passion flowers for a mind. The little boy is ill. His mother has nothing to give him but only river water. The swallow took the ruby to the boy’s house.
The Happy prince told the swallow about a young man in a garret. The man is writing play for the Director in the theatre. He has no fire in the grate. Due to his hungriness, he is almost fainted. The Happy Prince asked the Swallow to take out his one eye (sapphire). The Swallow plucked out the Prince’s eyes and threw it inside the man’s house.
The swallow returned to the Happy Prince  to bid Farewell. He has planned to go to Egypt. The Happy Prince requested the bird to stay for a night. The Swallow stayed with him. The Happy Prince told about a little girl who is crying. She has lost her matches in the gutter. Her father will beat her if she fails to bring  money. She doesn’t have shoes. The Prince asked the bird to pluck out his another eye. The bird felt bad to pluck out the Prince’s eye. As the prince commanded the bird, it took the sapphire and slipped into her palm. The girl was very Happy.
The bird refused to go to Egypt. As the prince become blind, the swallow narrated the incidents around the city from the next day. the swallow helped the poor people with the golden leaves of the Prince. The winter has arrived, the swallow was wet and it returned to the Prince. The bird kissed the Prince and told him that it was going to the House of Death. The Happy Prince’s leaden heart broken into two. The Mayor came with the Town Councillors and replaced the statue because it looked ugly. There was a quarrel between the mayor and the councilors about the New statue. The dead bird was thrown in the dust- heap. The Prince’s lead heart was also thrown in the dust heap.
The God asked his angel to bring the most precious things. The angel took the dead bird and the leaden heart. The God said “For in my garden of Paradise this little bird shall sing for ever more, and in my city of gold, the Happy Prince shall praise me”.